Author Archives: F

Does Pagle have a botting problem?

Looking for a place to transfer our Classic toons where the economy isn’t completely busted and…  

That’s a wrap

There’s my expansion, folks. Late, but most of you don’t work Covid ICU, so suck it.

Tol’ Dagor M+, murdered by best friend and husband, RIP


Me being killed horribly by friendly fire in +2 Tol Dagor  (Your best friend and husband crit you for 760000) KILLIN THE VECTIS NORMAL (rip healers) Warfronts a go go (Snorefronts, amirite) Island Expeditions (GET THEM AZERITES, BOYS) And other stupidity.

Floutsy and Droptopp do Lordaeron

Okay, I swear on my life, this was the thumbnail that Youtube automatically chose when I uploaded. I nearly fell off my chair. The below is carefully curated expert commentary on the lore and events of the Siege of Lordaeron, from our stream. Actually, it’s just us talking a whole bunch of shit and spamming read more »

Hello from the other side

Hey what’s up HELLO. I haven’t streamed, ‘Youtubed’ or written in any serious way on this site in better than 3 years.  In this time, I attended school, got a job I love in healthcare, maintained a personal life and relationship which I do not talk about here, as well as, of course, leveling and read more »


Outtakes from our latest Highmaul raid.  You will not care about this unless you are in my guild. We are now recruiting non-bads and people who say swear words.

Mr. Terrible, Carroteye, Sloppus – Menagerie Dailies

I have some pet dailies unposted that I will have WordPress autopost while I’m on vacation for the holiday.

D3 Theme Team (Deebs, Tyri, Puzzle) – Menagerie Dailies

Looking for Derps

I did precious few things this week aside from logging into my garrison, tweeting weird shit and collecting crap/sending followers off due to getting ready for a 2 week vacation in which WoW will be the last thing on my mind. I have worked a few overnights and to stay awake at the correct times I read more »

Stitches Jr. – Menagerie Dailies

The Whateverinator – Menagerie Dailies