My Terrorguard, Molten Core ’14. Also, Menagerie Level 2. And Stuff.

Even though I love the fiery dickpunch that is Cataclysm, I recognize its true worth in most raid encounters is limited, so I specced into Demonic Servitude to try it out. Well, everyone, meet Azzagram.

azzagramYes. that’s Azzagram. Like Asstagram. The new Instagram for Asses. So hot.

I digress.

I got a chance to run the Molten Core anniversary raid last night, also known as 4-CHAN THE RAID. I’m hoping every retard who thinks that 40 man raiding should come back does this raid and promptly realizes the absolute shrieking ineptitude of the average player and stops campaigning for full-scale 40 mans to be resurrected in any way.

If you haven’t had the pleasure yet, let me learn you.

Mentally place yourself in the worst Ordos or Sha of Anger raid you can possibly imagine, except instead of ten minutes it lasts THREE FUCKING HOURS, with 3/4 of the raid not knowing a single thing about a single fight in the instance, or even how many bosses, or the fact they don’t drop loot, or ANY LITTLE THING AT ALL except how to “pres butan 4 raidz lol” and end up with 39 other people using orange text. Then imagine of those 3/4, Some speak Brazilian Portuguese and have a language barrier preventing raid instructions. Some are mages who either a) don’t know they can decurse and insist you’re a bad for asking b) can’t decurse without an addon, which is not installed at the present time or c) are aware of and can decurse and won’t, because fuck you, and the rest are shaman who lust on trash. The remaining 1/4 of the raid are just normal folks who want a shot at a cool pet and mount and to loot their helm. If you plan on doing this, block about 2.5 hours of your life out and hope for the best.

All right, Menageries.

I got my level 2 Menagerie the other day after defeating the 3 mini bosses for the Pets Versus Pets quest. I will stop right here and say I made no attempt to formulate a strategy because I surmised Howl Bombing would work on these 3 and it totally did, so I one shot all of them. If you don’t know what howl bombing is, it is, in this case, using a Pandaren Water Spirit, casting Geyser, then Whirlpool, switching to a Chrominius, and then casting Howl (to put up the damage debuff) and then Power Surge for the kill. I either killed all of them outright with this strategy or came close, having to finish off with a Bite or a random 3rd pet, I think I used a Horny Toad for a 3rd in the Carrot fight and a Alterac Brew Pup for the others. I don’t even think it matters. If you somehow feel by me using howl bombing I am “cheating” or are offended that somehow I am stealing your strategy (as if that can actually happen, but yeah, I had someone think that once), feel free to go fuck yourself.

My absolute favorite part of the Garrison is now my Menagerie, as a random assortment of my pets marked as “favorite” will now randomly walk around freely and sometimes start following me. As you can see, here is my Blossoming Ancient kicking it freestyle in my Garrison. Look at him. Just look at him. Also look at that other guy.menagerie


More random thoughts to close.

Auchindoun is beautiful and I want to live there.

Why the hell do I have a War Mill. (I know, yeah, but right now at level 2 it doesn’t do much)

DO NOT WAIT to do Highmaul Missons, they will DISAPPEAR ON YOU

Either holy priests are completely fucked up or I’ve gotten every terrible holy priest in the game in randoms this past week.

Grimrail Depot gives me motion sickness and people laugh at me for it.

All Heroics are pretty awesome.

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